Joseph Michael Pogodzinski






Department of Economics (0114)

San Jose State University

One Washington Square

San Jose, CA 95192-0114

Tel:  (408) 924-5421



P.O. Box 475836

San Francisco, CA 94147-5836

Tel:  (415) 516-6144

FAX:  (415) 474-7362



Ph.D., 1980, Economics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York; Dissertation:  “Some Aspects of Adjustment Processes When Computation is Costly” (Supervisor:  Edward Ames)


M.A., 1975, Economics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York


Non-Degree Exchange Student, 1974-1976, Group of Mathematical Methods of Economics, Computing Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland [Prof. Jerzy Los, Director]


B.S., 1973, Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York



Co-Director, Processed Food Institute, College of Applied Sciences and Arts, San Jose State University, September 2002-May 2004


Professor, Department of Economics, San Jose State University, 1996-Present


Professor, Human Factors/Ergonomics Program, San Jose State University, 1998- Present


Research Associate, The Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI), San Jose State University, 2001-Present


Visiting Scholar, School of Education, Stanford University, 2000-01


Senior Lecturer, Department of Systems Management, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, Summer 1997, Summer 1998


Associate Professor, Department of Economics, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1992-1996


Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, The George Washington University (Columbian College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), Washington, DC, 1993-1994 [on leave from San Jose State University]


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1987-1992


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia [Joint Appointment, Faculty, Industrial Relations Institute, College of Business Administration, Georgia State University], 1979-1987


Visiting Faculty Instructor, Department of Economics, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1978-1979


Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, Suffolk County Community College, Selden, New York, 1974-1977



Consultant, U.S. General Accounting Office, Resources, Community, and Economic Development (RCED) Division, Housing and Community Development Issue Area, Washington, DC, November 1998-Present.  Analyzed impact of federal programs on urban sprawl and efficiency of federal infrastructure programs.


Interim Tax & Budget Advisor, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, Washington, DC, May 1996-Present.  Analyzed intra-governmental finance in Bosnia-Herzegovina; estimated tax revenues in Estonia, Republic of Georgia, and Albania.


Senior Housing Economist (Associate), Abt Associates, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, January-August 1994 (on leave from San Jose State University).  Analyzed low-income housing in Zimbabwe, mortgage lending in Russia, military housing vouchers in Russia, and housing issues in South Africa; worked on estimating cost function for health services in Senegal.




Using Microsoft® Excel in Introductory Macroeconomics, Prentice-Hall, 2005 (ISBN:  0-13-144240-6)


Using Microsoft® Excel in Introductory Microeconomics, Prentice-Hall, 2005 (ISBN:  0-13-144287-2)


Readings in Public Policy, edited by J. M. Pogodzinski, Blackwell Publishers (1995), ISBN: 1 557 865 213. Contributors include Richard Buddin, Joseph Cordes, Alain Enthoven, Paul G. Farnham, Thomas E. Getzen, Charles Hulten, Sheila Natoraj Kirby, Ellen Maenheim, J. M. Pogodzinski, Ellen Roche, Robert M. Schwab, David Sjoquist, and Carolyn Weaver.


Articles in Refereed Journals:

“The Effect of Housing Market Disequilibrium on the Supply of Labor:  Evidence from Poland, 1989-1990,” Real Estate Economics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 497-527 (1995)

“A Public Choice Perspective on Zoning and Growth Controls:  NIMBYism, the Tiebout Mechanism and Local Democracy,” in J. M. Pogodzinski (ed.), Readings in Public Policy, Blackwell Publishers (1995)


“The Theory and Estimation of Endogenous Zoning,” (with Tim R. Sass),  Regional Science and Urban Economics 24 (1994), pp. 601-630


“A Note on the Estimation of Capitalization” (with David L. Sjoquist), Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 4, October 1993, pp. 434-448


“Alternative Tax Regimes in a Local Public Goods Economy” (with David L. Sjoquist),  Journal of Public Economics 50 (1993), pp. 115-141


“The Transition From Central Planning to a Market Economy:  A Computable General Equilibrium Model “ (with Claudia Antes), Economics of Planning, 25, pp. 139-164 (1992)


“The Effects of the Social Choice Rule on Local Fiscal Variables:  A General Equilibrium Approach” (with David L. Sjoquist), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 21, pp. 31-54 (1991)


“Measuring the Effects of Municipal Zoning Regulations:  A Survey” (with Tim R. Sass), Urban Studies, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 597-621 (1991)


“The Effects of Fiscal and Exclusionary Zoning on Household Location:  A Critical Review,” Journal of Housing Research, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 145-160 (1991)


“Zoning and Hedonic Housing Price Models” (with Tim R. Sass), Journal of Housing Economics, 1, pp. 271-292 (1991)


“The Economic Theory of Zoning:  A Critical Review” (with Tim R. Sass), Land Economics, Vol. 66, No. 3, August 1990, pp. 294-314


“Amenities in an Urban General Equilibrium Model,” Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 24, 1988, pp. 260-278


“A Numerical Approach to Comparative Statics in a Tiebout-Median Voter Model” (with David L. Sjoquist), in Perspectives on Local Public Finance and Public Policy, Vol. II, John Quigley (ed.), JAI Press, 1985, pp. 31-58


“The Polish Economic Reform Proposals of 1981,” Slavic and Soviet Series (published by the Russian and East European Research Center, Tel-Aviv University), Vol. 5, Nos. 1-2, 1980, pp. 58-74


“Comments on Bonin and Marcus,” Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 1979, pp. 257-260



Review of Cycles and Stagnation in Socialist Economies:  A Mathematical Analysis by Andras Simonovits, Blackwell Publishers, appearing in Economics of Planning, 26, pp. 281-286 (1993)



Teacher Shortage:  Causes and Recommendations for Change, Working Paper, Center for California Studies, California State University - Sacramento, January 2000


Final Report of Mission to Ministry of Finance, Republic of Georgia, June 5, 1999-June 19, 1999 (Memorandum to Deputy Ministers Gigolashvili and Chumburidze), Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, July 6, 1999


Technical Report:  Data Templates and Models for Tax Revenue Estimation and Tax Policy Analysis in Albania, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, February 20, 1998


California Virtual University:  Literature Review of Secondary Literature on Distance Learning Markets, Working Paper, Center for California Studies, California State University - Sacramento, September 1997


Final Report - Mission to the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Georgia, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, February 21, 1997


Final Report - Mission to the National Tax Board, Tallinn, Estonia, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, October 1996


Lessons for State and Local Public Finance in the Literature on Privatization, Working Paper, Center for California Studies, California State University - Sacramento, August 1996


Issues in Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, June 1996


Trip Report - Mission to the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, May 2-May 12, 1996, Office of Technical Assistance, U.S. Treasury Department, June 19, 1996


Basics of a Private Housing Market:  Policy Ideas for Housing Reform in Albania, Abt Associates, Inc., June 1994


Constraints on the Development and Successful Operation of Housing Cooperatives in Zimbabwe, Abt Associates, Inc., May 1994



“Existence of Equilibrium in a Tiebout-Median Voter Model with Property Taxation” (with David L. Sjoquist)


“The Value of ‘Full’ Ownership Rights:  A Hedonic Study of Warsaw


“Economic Aspects of Human Factors/Ergonomics”


“The Effects of Mandatory Job Accommodation on the Labor Market” (with Tom Means)



Seed Grant from Mineta Transportation Institute: “A Model for Assessing Demand Response vs. Prescheduled Paratransit Systems,” August 2001-January 2002


Center for California Studies, Faculty Fellows Grant, Teacher Shortage and Teacher Credentialing, California Senate Office of Research, May 1999-January 2000


Director of Housing Studies for San Jose State University’s Community Outreach Partnership Center (COPC) Grant (1997-2000) through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Responsible for coordinating San Jose State University’s involvement with the City of San Jose, Department of Housing, in studying housing-related issues in the South Campus Area, and with the City of San Jose, Department of Planning, in developing a Neighborhood Revitalization Plan for the South Campus Area.


Center for California Studies, Faculty Fellows Grant, Review of Studies on the Demand for Distance Education, July-September 1997


Center for California Studies, Faculty Fellows Grant, Review of Privatization Literature, April-July, 1996


IREX Grantee, July 1995.  Visited Instytut Godpodarki Mieszkaniowej in Warsaw and Cracow Real Estate Institute and Jagiellonian University in Cracow to conduct research on housing markets and public finance in Poland.  Visited Varna University of Economics to coordinate plans for a conference and to study issues of housing and public finance in Bulgaria.  Also visited Bourgas and Sofia to obtain additional information about housing and public finance issues in Bulgaria.


IREX Grantee, November-December 1993, Instytut Gospodarki Mieszkaniowej (Institute for Housing Research, Ministry of Construction), Warsaw, Poland.  Research on housing markets in Poland


Lusk Fellowship, Summer 1993, Lusk Center for Real Estate Development, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Southern California, Los Angeles



June 1999.  Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.  Advised Department of Macroeconomic Forecasting and Financial Analysis, Ministry of Finance on tax revenue estimation.  Presented seminar on revenue estimation to staffs of Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Fiscal Reform Project, and Parliamentary Budget Office.


May 1998.  Tirana, Albania.  Advised Ministry of Finance on cash management, tax revenue estimation methods and models, and development of macroeconomic statistics using data from tax registrations and declarations.  Work on cash management was with Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance;  tax revenue estimation work was with Fiscal Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Finance;  development of macroeconomic statistics involved work with the Tax Administration Department of the

Ministry of Finance.  Provided training on revenue estimation methods to staff of Fiscal Analysis Unit.


January 1998.  Tirana, Albania.  Advised Ministry of Finance on tax revenue estimation methods and models.  Focus was on developing models, and identifying data suitable for estimation of the value-added tax and customs revenues.  Provided training to Analysis Sector of Ministry of Finance, and also assisted Ministry of Finance in development of its Bulletin.


December 1996-January 1997. Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.  Advised Ministry of Finance on revenue estimation methods.  Issues included estimation of value-added tax (VAT) receipts, profits tax receipts, and tax arrears.  Constructed data sets and programs in Excel to implement various models of  tax revenue estimation.  Presented briefings to First Deputy Minister of Finance and staff of Financial Forecasting Unit of Finance Ministry’s Macroeconomics Department.


August 1996.  Tallinn, Estonia.  Part of two-person U.S. Treasury team advising National Tax Board on revenue estimation of value-added tax (VAT) and enterprise income tax.  Constructed econometric models of revenue estimation, and collected data from a sample of taxpayers for microeconomic simulation model.  Worked with officials of the National Tax Board, Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, and Statistics Office.


May 1996.  Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.  Advised Ministry of Finance of Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina on tax policy and intergovernmental finance, focusing on fiscal relations between the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and ethnic cantons created under the Dayton Accords.


June-August 1994.  Estimated econometric model of cost of health care facilities in Senegal for Abt Associates’ Health Financing and Sustainability (HFS) Project.  Wrote draft report (co-authored with Ricardo Bitran and Steven Brewster) entitled Cost, Productivity and Efficiency of Health Care Facilities in Senegal:  An Econometric Study (HFS Technical Note No. 28).


June 1994.  Participated in the preparation of Abt Associates’ bid on a USAID RFP entitled Madagascar Market Infrastructure Expansion (MIX).  Responsible for identifying categories of short term consultants and reviewing and editing technical issues of design approaches section.


June 1994.  Assisted Abt Associates in conducting Secondary Mortage Market Study Tour under Indo-US Housing Finance Expansion Project.


May 1994.  Participated in the preparation of Abt Associates’ bid on USAID RFP, Management Contract for the Voucher Housing Component of the Russian Military Officers Resettlement Housing Program.  Had primary responsibility for recruiting Russian organizations and individual Russian consultants to participate as subcontractors on Abt’s bid.  Also recruited US individuals for long term assignments under the proposal.


March 1994.  Team Leader of a two-person team from Abt Associates dealing with housing cooperatives in Zimbabwe on a USAID-sponsored task.  Responsible for assessing the impact on housing cooperatives of institutions, policies and practices of the Government of Zimbabwe and the City of Harare.  Met with more than thirty officials of the city of Harare and the Government of Zimbabwe.  Provided briefings to Minister of State for Cooperatives, Government of Zimbabwe and to USAID director.  Prepared report on constraints on the development and successful operation of housing cooperatives in Zimbabwe.  Key policy recommendations included introduction of modified market allocation (“managed competition”) of building lots (serviced stands).  Under existing policy serviced stands allocated administratively, with a waiting list of 86,000 households.  Also recommended various bureaucratic/legislative changes, including creation of “fast track” processing within critical ministries/agencies and full deregulation of market for land surveyors.


October-November 1993.  Assisted Abt Associates in organizing and conducting a USAID-sponsored study tour for mortgage loan servicing officers from MosBussinessBank (Moscow).


October 1993.  Assisted Abt Associates in preparing a proposal (Proposal to Provide Expert Services to the National Housing Forum, Republic of South Africa) to address various housing issues in South Africa.



Economics of Health & Safety, Economic Analysis of Human Factors/Ergonomics, Engineering Economics, Local public finance, Urban Economics, Applied General Equilibrium Models, Mathematical Models of Economics, Models of East European Economies, Comparative Economic Systems



Presented seminar, California Senate Office of Research, on The Teacher Shortage:  Causes and Recommendations for Change, July 11, 2000


Presented seminar on tax revenue estimation, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Georgia, June 17, 1999


Chaired panel on the Economics of Ergonomics at ErgoCon 98, May 3-6, 1998.


Presented paper, “Lessons for State and Local Public Finance in the Literature on Privatization,” Center for California Studies, California State University, Sacramento, March 5, 1997


Presented paper, “The Effects of Mandatory Job Accommodation on the Labor Market” (with T. Means), Silicon Valley Ergonomics Conference and Exposition [ErgoCon ‘96] May 12-15, 1996


Attended mediation workshop, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Technical Assistance to Bosnia, Washington, DC, April 29, 1996


Chaired session on “Economic Aspects of Human Factors/Ergonomics” at ErgoCon ’95 - The Silicon Valley Ergonomics Conference and Exposition, May 23, 1995.  Presented paper, “The Economic Aspects of Human Factors/Ergonomics”


Presented paper, “A Public Choice Perspective on Zoning and Growth Controls:  NIMBYism, the Tiebout Mechanism and Local Democracy,” School of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University, Portland, OR, October 28, 1994


Presented paper, “The Value of ‘Full’ Ownership Rights:  A Hedonic Study of Warsaw,” European Network for Housing Research Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, August 29-September 2, 1994


Presented seminar on “Constraints on the Development and Successful Operation of Housing Cooperatives in Zimbabwe, “ Office of Environment and Urban Programs, U.S. Agency for International Development, July 15, 1994, Washington, DC


Presented paper, “The Effects of Housing Market Disequilibrium on the Supply of Labor:  Evidence from Poland, 1989-1990,  Zespol Teorii Ger I Decyzyji, PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), December 7, 1993


Presented paper, “The Soviet Second Economy Revisited:  A Model of Reform” (with Claudia Antes), U.S. International Trade Commission, Washington, DC, April 1990


TEACHING INTERESTS:  Public Policy, Economics of Health & Safety, Economic Analysis of Human Factors/Ergonomics, Engineering Economics, Public Finance, Urban Economics, Mathematical Methods, International Economics, Comparative Economic Systems





·        Introductory Micro

·        Introductory Macro

·        Intermediate Micro

·        Money and Banking

·        Issues in Economic Policy

·        Comparative Economic Systems

·        Urban Economics

·        International Economics

·        Economics Writing





·        MBA Microeconomics

·        MBA Macroeconomics

·        Economics of Ergonomics

·        Mathematics for Economists

·        Comparative Economic Systems

·        Workshop in Public Policy

·        Advanced Engineering Economics


·        Mathematics for Economists

·        Comparative Economic Systems

·        Microeconomics




·        Member, Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee, College of Social Sciences, 1997-2000 (elected)

·        Member, Research Committee, College of Social Sciences, Spring 1995, 1987-1988 (elected)

·        Member, Advisory Board, Silicon Valley Ergonomics Institute, 1993-Present;  Chair, Academic Committee, 1996-Present (appointed)


LANGUAGES:  English, Polish (fluent), Russian (rudimentary)